Synopsys Tutorials
ASIC Design Flow Tutorial using Synopsys Tools and 90nm Generic Library(available only via Synopsys University Program for members only)
SystemVerilog Testbench Tutorial(available only via Synopsys University Program for members only)
SystemVerilog Verification Methodology Manual (VMM) (available only via Synopsys University Program for members only)
Full Custom Design Flow Tutorial(available only via Synopsys University Program for members only)
UPF Design Flow Tutorial using Synopsys Tools (available only via Synopsys University Program for members only)
Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) Tutorial (available only via Synopsys University Program for members only)
ASIC Design Flow Tutorial Using Synopsys Tools and 32/28nm Generic Library (available only via Synopsys University Program for members only)
Design For Testability (DFT) Implementation in ASIC Flow using Synopsys Tools and 32/28nm Generic Library (available only via Synopsys University Program for members only)
Instructions for server connection
- To use any software you need to connect to the server. Use one of tutorials above under the Server Connection section to get a help in establishing the connection.
- For VMware Usage follow same steps as mentioned in the tutorial remote login from SCI 163
- If you choose to connect using SSH Client application, to get SSH and the Graphic User Interface (X-ming), please download and install SSH and Xming by clicking here
- SSH Client provides only the command line prompt for interacting with the server.
- All the files made available on this page are purely for educational and instructional purposes.
- Rights of the applications , names and copyrights reserved by respective companies.
Instructions for reserving Probe Station
- If you are a first time user, you need to go through orientation and training. Please contact Dr. Mahmoodi at for arranging an orientation and training session.
- If you have completed the orientation and training, please check the availability of the instrument on the Probe Station calendar, and send an email to Dr. Mahmoodi on for reservation.